
I made it to Cambridge, UK and settled in quite nicely. I haven’t yet taken my camera around this beautiful town, but I will be sure to do that very very soon. In the mean time, I took a few pictures on my phone of just SOME  of the beautiful buildings here. I am in love with the architecture and history of this town, everything is so beautiful and grand and quaint and a thousand other adjectives I’m sure I could think of to describe this place. I am so excited to see more! Oh, and I finally purchased a Cambridge satchel bag I’ve been wanting from the store itself :). Enjoy these camera phone quality pictures in the mean time and I’ll be sure to make up for it later 😀



  1. sohojay · July 18, 2013

    Wonderful pictures. Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. pmoyo · December 3, 2013

    I studied abroad in England a few years back. My visit to Cambridge was very memorable. Your pictures definitely reminded me of that awesome experience. Thank you for sharing!

    • goalfulchels · December 3, 2013

      No problem! Cambridge was a beautiful place, I can’t wait to return. Also, I love your pictures of Baltimore!

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